Friday, July 6, 2007

I have heard it said that the kitchen is the heart of a home ...

... so that is probably a good place to start the tour.

So I think I will be a once-a-month blogger ... sorry for the lack of action here.
Yes, we have been in a few weeks, and of course, I was waiting until everything is all done, and put away and pretty before posting more pics. Well we may be waiting until Thanksgiving for that, so I will bring you up-to-date room by room as we are as done as we can be.

So, our kitchen counter arrived the other day 3 weeks ahead of expected - YAY! I put my new cordless drill (gift from S who is impressed with my power tool abilities) to work and got the handles installed. So I bring you, THE KITCHEN ...

We went with IKEA cabinets (medium brown) and are very happy with them. Their on-line kitchen design software was very handy getting things figured out before making the major treck to the big city to pick up all of the bits and pieces - it is not a trip you want to have to repeat if you forget one thing-ma-gigy. For the counter, we went with Silestone (Green River). The trim and window ledge is courtesy of a very handy and generous father-in-law.

Here is the work in progress ...

and finished ... (well almost, we just have to paint the heater black and the pictures don't show the faucets)

and a close up of details ...

One of the winter DIY projects will be the backsplash.

It has a southern exposure, so the sun just pours in there on nice days (on the want/need list for S for the house).

It has been an enjoyable few weeks unpacking, especially knowing it is for the very long term - a new but wonderful concept for me.

I will try and finish the tour this weekend.